Start Moving
Stay Healthy
Take a short break from your work to stretch, get stronger and chat with your colleagues and friends.

Break bad habits
Or let others break them for you
We all know, that it’s unhealthy to sit at a desk for too long without a pause. But even with the best intentions, it’s hard to stay consistent and take a short break regularly.
Pausly’s goal is to make this easier, by incentivizing you to take breaks with other people.
Do it together
Motivate & get motivated
Create a session, and share it with your colleagues and friends. Simply send them the link and you’re ready to go. To join a session they don’t even need an account.

Optional voice chat
Sessions Link to this section
Stretches & strength exercises
A session is a collection of movements that you can perform alone or together with others. It’s always around four to five minutes, but never longer than 5 minutes.
The movements have been chosen to be easy to do for most people, but you always have the choice to get alternative movements if something isn’t right for you.
You’ll never break a sweat... hopefully.
It’s like your personal trainer
But with less talking
During a session, everybody gets countdowns to the next movement, visual representations of how the movements are performed and audio cues.
The sessions alternate between stretches and very light strength / core exercises which never last longer than a minute.
Plenty of movements Link to this section
You won’t get bored
With over 100 movements, your breaks never get boring. And new ones are added constantly.
If you want to get more information about how a movement is performed, simply click on the thumbnail and you’ll get a full description.
Fun microgames Link to this section
Stay motivated
Stay motivated by getting achievements and maintaining your streak - and getting achievements for maintaining your streak :)
There are over 40 different achievements that keep you motivated and are fun to share with your friends — like completing a session with 10 people in it, or completing 100 sessions in total.
Over 40
+ Streaks
You’ll always look your best
After each completed session, you have the chance to get a random accessory. There are over 500 different outfits your avatar can wear.
Whenever you create a session, all the people that join your session can see the outfit that you have put together. And you can always show it on your profile page.
Inclusive Link to this section
We meet your needs
Whether you are sitting in a wheelchair, working in an office where you can’t do movements on the floor, sitting in a train or bus, wearing a skirt or thight pants, or simply don’t want to stand up to attract attention; we got you covered.
We offer variations for all movements. You can simply select which limitations apply to you before or during a session and you’re good to go.
Pausly has an optional Text-To-Speech (TTS) option that reads the movements and hints out loud so you can follow along without seeing the screen.